Partially fill the hole, firming the soil around the lower roots. may explain why recently planted bare- root Norway spruce seedlings had greater mortality on. Plant the tree at the same depth it stood in the nursery, with plenty of room for the roots. The transplants are 4 year old plants, two years field growing in the seedbed and then. When selecting perennials for underplanting, use those that tolerate soil acidity and. We have a couple of different options of Picea abies bare root trees. What happens alot with container stock is the water beeds up and gets shed right off the plug surface and it takes a good soaking to overcome this. The Performance of Planted Seedlings Steven C. The seasonal needle drop of Norway Spruce will acidify the soil beneath.

It is the fastest-growing tree of spruces, and it can reach up to 30 40m in height and 7 10m in width. Even if you use container stock, when you think you added enough water, it still isn't enough. Growth rate and mature size: This evergreen tree grows at a medium to fast rate, adding approximately 60-90cm to its height each year. Drought stress as Ron suggests is a big killer of plantings.

In Canada, these folks belong to Associations with legal status akin to RPF associations in some provinces or states.Īs I've said before and possibly others, the best time for planting bare root or transplanting wild trees is before shoot elongation. So dig a good sized soil pit or planting site and ID your soil or have a local agrologist help out. As people emigrated, they often brought trees with them from the Old Country to plant as ornamentals on new homesteads. This tree grew in Eurasia, the Black Forest and other parts of the continent long before making its way to Norway around 500 B.C. Sampling can be on a grid of several hundred feet to several miles apart. And while this species does grow in Norway, the name is a bit of a misnomer. Even looking on a soils map of a soil survey doesn't tell the whole story, as there are many inclusions (or other soil types) on that sampled area which may not be mapped. Experimental design Bareroot (BR) and container (CON) Norway spruce (spruce) and Scots pine (pine) seed- lings were outplanted in fall (in the middle of. Sure helps to know your soil type to give a proper diagnoses though. Just think of it as an excerpt (snippet) from a soils survey report of your state, and there are other types of soils to consider, to aid a proper diagnoses. I think the remarks concerning clay soils was a possible diagnoses for that soil type and not a suggestion that the site was actually composed of clay soil.